Mission Statement

THE RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTOR is a monthly religious web journal published by the Editor in the interest of teaching truth and exposing error (2 Tim 2.2; I Thess. 5.21; 2 Tim. 4.2). It is the responsibility of all Christians to teach others the saving gospel of Christ (Matt. 28.18-20)! This Christian simply uses this scriptural method, among others, to do that. It is the mission of this web magazine to "religiously instruct" as many people as possible, sowing the Seed of the kingdom of God’s dear Son (Lk. 8.5-18; Col.1.13).

There is religious division in the world today that needs to be constantly challenged and attacked in order to bring about the unity that God wants us to have in our religious belief, teaching and practice (I Cor. 1.10). It is toward the increase of our spiritual understanding and the advocacy of scriptural "unity" that this effort is dedicated.

The Editor will allow the journal to be an "open forum" for honorable exchange of religious differences in the interest of truth and righteousness (Jude 3). Feel free to send questions forward for discussion of opposing religious views on various Bible topics. All comments, criticisms and suggestions will be cordially received and examined in light of God’s Word. Please feel free to write the Editor at markjward@yahoo.com. All article submissions will be considered for publication and review. PLEASE NOTE: Submission of an article, question, or comment is considered permission for publication and possible review by either the Editor or another writer unless otherwise specifically mentioned at the time sent!

As "pleasing God and getting to heaven" should be our goal, it is of the utmost importance that accuracy be maintained in all religious teaching and practice! Let us all be encouraged to have open dialogue concerning our religious differences that we might unite on God’s Truth!  You can reach me at markjward@yahoo.com.

Email the Editor at markjward@yahoo.com