Five Years of The Religious Instructor

by Mark J. Ward

I am happy to begin the sixth year of this website designed for biblical instruction, study, provoking thought and Bible discussion of opposing views. I have truly been blessed by God to be able to teach His Word through this medium. Since I have a full-time secular job, it is a great way for me to be teaching "while I am at work", in the sense that others can go to the site and read the articles and study their Bibles without me actually being present with them. Then, if they have questions of me, they can write, call or I can possibly go to their home to study.

There have been many responses to the teaching at the site. The most important thing would be for the teaching to be in harmony with God's Word (John 8;31, 32; 17:17; 2 Tim. 2:2; I Peter 4:11). We appreciate all those who take the time to write, ask questions, and yes... even disagree (in a respectful and loving manner)! We should be about seeking first the kingdom of God and sharing the gospel (the good news) of our Savior with others. I want to be kind, but clear, in teaching God's Word. We look forward to continuing as long as we are able to teach via this site.

Maybe you have questions you would like addressed. Or, maybe you have seen an article that you believe would do good if published on the internet. I can't say without qualification that I will post everything that is suggested, but I can say that I will strongly consider it. Also, if you disagree with what is taught, please feel free to write your understanding of God's Word down and send it in. Truth has nothing to fear from discussion and investigation. Truth shines brightly when standing against error.

There will be more articles on a wide variety of topics this year. I hope more and more material will be posted. I would love to post audio sermons, debates, lectureships and even streaming video (with audio) of various lessons. Maybe I will be able to do that this year or next.

God bless you and yours in 2003! We are not promised another day, so let's redeem the time by doing things spiritually beneficial for ourselves and those around us. Thanks for reading! - Mark J. Ward

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